electoral roll

Electoral Roll

Joining the electoral roll is a way of saying ‘I belong’ - it is a way of showing your commitment to both the local church and the global church. It also means you can attend and vote at the church’s annual meeting (APCM).

To join you need to be over 16, have been baptised and either live within the parish or have regularly worshipped at St Matt’s or St Sidwell’s for 6 months or more. Using your postcode, you can find out if you are resident in the parish via the online tool at www.achurchnearyou.com.

The Electoral Roll for this year has now closed. You will be able to join again after the APCM.



We use the personal data you provide on the electoral roll application form to enable us to manage, maintain and publish the electoral role in accordance with Church Representation Rules.  The information contained within your application may also be shared with other bodies that form part of the wider Church of England.

Under the Church Representation Rules, any lay person is entitled to have their name entered on the church electoral roll if they are baptised, aged 16 or over and meet all of the other applicable requirements. 

1. The only Churches at present in communion with the Church of England are other Anglican Churches and certain foreign Churches.

2. Membership of the Electoral Roll is also open to members in good standing of a Church not in communion with the Church of England which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity where those members are also prepared to declare themselves to be members of the Church of England.

3. Every six years a new roll is prepared and those on the previous roll are informed so that they can re-apply. If you are not resident in the parish but were on the roll as a habitual worshipper and have been prevented by sickness or absence or other essential reason from worshipping for the past six months, you may write “would” before “have habitually attended” on the form and add “but was prevented from doing so because...” and then state the reason.

4. If you have any problems completing this form, please email hello@stmattsexeter.org.

5. In this form, “parish” means ecclesiastical parish.